I focus interactive/media works using programming, biological data from the body, and consciousness. Also programmer at SIProp(OSS project :, developing robotic and sensor-based works.
2012 Asia Digital Art Award Interactive Art category. 2019, 2020 IPA MITOU TARGET: optimization processing and branching parallel control for quantum compilation infrastructure and presentation to experience quantum computer. 2022 25th Japan Media Art Festival Entertainment Division Jury Selections…etc
2012年 アジアデジタルアート大賞インタラクティブアート部門入賞
2019年度, 2020年度 IPA未踏ターゲット事業 ゲート式量子コンピュータ向けソフトウェア開発
2022年 第25回文化庁メディア芸術祭 エンターテイメント部門 審査委員会推薦作品
俺流プロトコル実装入門 ~Private Implementation Protocol~
OpenNI 3Dセンサープログラミング
Android ADK プログラミング&電子工作バイブル (smart phone programming bible)
Communication module and application program provided with same
Hello Hirotaka Niisato,
I am contacting you from Exploration Production Inc., the producer of Discovery Channel’s flagship science program, Daily Planet.
I produce a segment on our show called Trending where we dive into science and tech themes of videos made popular on the internet. We are interested in featuring a few clips from your coverage of the 2017 International Robot Exhibition” ( on our show.
If this is something you’d be ok with please let me know as soon as you can.
Also please acknowledge the information below via return email:
Your material will be featured in an episode of Daily Planet / Discovery Specials (working titles), premiering on Discovery Channel (future worldwide broadcasters to be confirmed) and aired across all media platforms.
Blake Glasbergen