
Real time control of a many solenoids. The first version controls 100 solenoids and has been expanded to handle 400 solenoids (496 in the video).


The solenoids, which are at coordinates 40×40 and 24×4, are controlled and operated by ESP NOW from the switch that controls them. The device used is an M5StampC3.

コントロールするスイッチからESP NOWで、40×40の座標、24×4の座標にあるソレノイドを個々に制御して動作している。利用している端末はM5StampC3。

Each set of wiring has 100 wires and 16 connections. A very large amount of wiring and cabling is being done.


As a large number of solenoids are used, I have taken a set of 400 pieces to exhibit at the 未踏会議2024 to check the weight and portability of the work.



sound/pattern of the solenoid imprinting could be used in the application.


With no power supply connected picture. All wires from the control board are visible on purpose.


Event: 未踏会議2024