8 bit is an application work uses the operating principle of a superconducting quantum computer gate control microwaves.
Currently, there are a many applications works&interaction based classical computers architecture, but by using the quantum computers is few yet. In the future, many quantum computers applications will be created to emerge.
Then I focus on superconducting quantum computers in qubit gate control microwaves, propose the interaction between qubit and human and everyone could touch and try this application.
8 bit main feature is convert microwaves (radio waves) in the qubit gate control of the superconducting quantum computer to sound waves in real time and show them as a Chladni figure. In many cases, qubit gate control(for programming&circuits on quantum computer) is used as Bloch spheres, but qubit is shown as Chladni figure in this work, so that can see the gate control as a figure and understand the movement.
This work makes an attempt to have quantum indeterminacy with participants. The qubit state is determined by us, the viewer of the Chladni figure. In other words, the qubit state is determined by the interaction between the us and the qubit representation(Chladni figure), since the indeterminate qubit state is determined by the particles (sand) that make up the Chladni figure at the moment we are looking at it. And, I have also found that it is possible to represent quantum entanglement between qubits by sound waves transmitted in space.
The qubit coherence time is a very long compared to the actually quantum computer (actually is very short nsec time) in this work gate control microwave, so the collapse of the qubit state can be visualized by the indeterminate movement of the particles (sand) that make up the Chladni figure and their fall down.
Awards: メディア芸術祭 エンターテイメント部門 審査委員会推薦作品
Event: Maker Faire Tokyo 2020, Ogaki Mini Maker Faire 2020(online)
Support: IPA 未踏ターゲット ゲート式量子コンピュータ向けソフトウェア開発
Documents: 量子コンパイル基盤の最適化処理・分岐並列制御の開発と量子計算を体感するプレゼンテーション(2020) 成果概要 詳細
RISC-V量子拡張の参照実装とマイクロ波制御量子ファームウェアの開発(2019) 成果概要 詳細
Principle Representation of The 8 Qubits Quantum Computer by RaspberryPi
Introductory Article : 「Maker Faire Tokyo 2020」レポート #5 , パケットや量子ビットはどう動く?Maker Faire Tokyoで可視化装置に注目集まる